Sunday, July 21, 2013

Glimpses of glory

I know it's been a really long time since I've updated you all on the happenings of this crazy adventure. It's not necessarily that there hasn't been anything going on, it's just that I've been so crazy busy that I haven't had time to write about it. Today, I however do have some time, so I'd like to share something that I've been observing lately.

 I have to be totally honest and say that last week sucked! Sincerely, it was an incredibly difficult week!! I had a sinus infection, it was in the 90's with 700% humidity, and I had to move out of my house into a camper. (the last one is a totally different story that perhaps one day I'll share) I found out on Wednesday that  a dear friend of mine in South Africa passed away after a 2 month battle with what was thought to be liver cancer. So basically I was being attacked on all sides.

I know that from an outsiders perspective, this all looks rather dismal, and that I have every right to be upset, but God has shown me something completely different. Within all of the chaos, God showed up and showed off! He provided financially for my visit to the clinic (because being uninsured means having to pay out of pocket for any sort of medical attention), He provided physically by blessing a friend of mine with a camper that she and her husband have so graciously allowed me to stay in until I can find a more permanent place. He's also been healing my body (sinus infections are awful, and they're even worse when it's 90+ degrees out).

In all of this, it's been the way God has provided spiritually for me that has blown me away the most. I've become kind of worn out with all that is going on, and it's in the times I'm beginning feel myself wear thin that I find myself wondering if I'm doing what I'm supposed to. If living my life completely devoted to following Jesus is even going to make the slightest difference.

 Let's be honest for a minute, it can be really easy to give a worldly answer when a problem comes up. It's harder to trust in God's promises when life throws us a curve ball to the face.

Over the last couple of days, I've seen small glimpses of the fruits of my labor in other people's lives. I've seen how lives are being transformed in even the smallest ways. Lives of people that I've been praying for, interceding for, and loving on for a long time. People that, at times, it seemed would never change. I get to see two of my youth group kids (well one is technically an adult) get baptized next week, and the anticipation of it brings tears of joy to my eyes. I hear the relief and confidence in my sisters voice when she tells me that God is providing, and will continue to provide for her family. These moments, give me hope. They reassure me that by simply living out the life I've been called to will make a difference.

So in the midst of the hardship, God shows up and shows off. He will always give us small glimpses of His glory to keep us going when it feels like giving up would be the easiest option. He will also show us that when we stay the course, there will be fruit! Even though we don't always get to see it come to completion, the small glimpses of transformation in others' lives makes it worth continuing on!

So, no matter what you're facing today, remember that how we live out the lives we've been called to can impact another's view on Christ. Pray for opportunities to love on someone and show them Christ in the process. And stay the course! There is a great reward at the end, and maybe you'll get to see small glimpses of God's glory along the way!

John 16:33 "In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD!"

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