Friday, September 16, 2016

Let's Do This.... Again....

It's been a while.... in fact two years to be exact. It's not for lack of words or things to write about, but more lack of time, and lack of focus to put things down on computer screen.

Currently, I sit in one of my favorite coffee shops here in Joburg, working on a newsletter, staff manual, and teaching lesson all at once. This is a pretty typical pattern for me, working on several different projects at once. 

There are so many moments when I wish I could communicate with all of you the details of a day. To share the stories of people I've encountered. I wish I could sit across from you with a cup of coffee in hand, and share the things God has been revealing to me. But an ocean, and life in general prevents that from happening.

So instead, I've decided I want to get back up, and start writing again. So here's where I start...

Not with a lengthy post, or big words to try to convince you that I'm so smart.... But just with a

"Hey, I'm Nichie, I would love it if you would join me on this divine adventure." 

And if you've been following along, then would you consider this a point for us to recconect?

I'm excited to share with you the joys, struggles, and stories from this Divine Adventure!!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

June 2014 Update!!

I’ve now been in Johannesburg South Africa for about two months, and it’s been great to see how God has moved already! The Lord has been giving me a glimpse of life on the mission field, complete with its challenges, joys, and all the lessons in between. I’m so grateful that God called me into this season, and that you are journeying with me on this adventure!

One of the precious babies we rescued last week!! 

 I’ve been working with the Impact Baby Rescue Center, and we have been keeping busy!! On Wednesdays and Thursdays we do awareness campaigns in hospitals and clinics. Through these programs we’ve met countless women in need of the love of Jesus. It’s also through these programs that women have heard about us and have come to us looking for the best option for their babies. The mothers we work with are in desperate situations, they are unable to care for their babies and most of them will end up dumping their babies in a garbage bin, or leaving them in a field. We offer a way for these mommies to remain anonymous, and for their babies to have a chance at life.  In the last four weeks, we’ve worked on 7 cases total. We’ve rescued four babies that are now placed in a baby home waiting to be adopted into their forever family!  We were also able to counsel three mommies, and show them the love of Jesus. It’s not an easy task talking to a mommy who wants to place her baby for adoption, but it causes us as a team to run to God, and seek His counsel and His word in order to then help these mommies. I’m so grateful for a God that desires relationship with us, and that He wants to fill us daily, so we can pour out into others.
Beyond the work that I have been doing, the Lord has really been teaching, and stretching me. He’s called me to a place and a season where I have to learn total dependency on Him. I find myself often having to put aside what I think is best, and what I think life should look like to turn and seek God’s guidance. He’s asked me to step out in big ways, and has promised to hold me as I take those steps of faith. One of the things He has led me to do is to extend my stay here in South Africa. I will be until remaining here until August 13, continuing my work with Impact Africa. We are headed into a season that is full of teams from America coming, and we anticipate a lot of great ministry to happen!  I will be ministering with the teams, and helping give them a glimpse of the impact we are making through the Baby Rescue Center.  Please continue to pray for the Lord’s guidance and blessing over this upcoming season.
This baby girl came to us after
her mommy met our team
out in the community! 
As I continue on in this adventure, I’m looking for 10 people to commit to being a loyal prayer partner for the next 2 months. As a loyal prayer partner you will be committing to set aside time every day to lift up me, and my ministry to the Lord. If you are interested in becoming a loyal prayer partner, please email me at . Also if you haven’t done so yet, please consider joining my team of financial supporters.  
                                                    Even though I’m not in America, I’m still hoping to be able to continue to fundraise, and meet my goal of moving here full time to serve with Impact Africa through Global Ministries.I will be returning to the States on August 14th, and would love the opportunity to speak to your church, small group, Bible study, Sunday school class, etc. about the needs in the squatter camps of Johannesburg and how the Lord has called me to serve there. If you are interested, please send me an email at the above address. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Thank you again for journeying with me! It is because of your love and support that I’m able to fulfill the call of Christ on my life! Thank you for being a part of that!

Because of Him,
Nichie Parish 

Prayer Requests:
  • Health and wellness over the next two months
  • Continued favor for fundraising
  • Guidance and wisdom for the next steps. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Security Blankets

My time in South Africa thus far has proven to be good, and yet challenging. Challenging in the aspect that I'm finding myself conquering fears, and facing the areas I have always thought I was less than adequate in. The Lord has been showing me that really, there is nothing we can do because without Him we are nothing.

I think all too often, we get this idea in our heads that we have to make a way, we have to figure things out, we are in control. Well let me tell you, we are in control of absolutely nothing!! Let me rephrase that, I am in control of absolutely nothing! I had a plan all laid out for what the next year was going to look like, and it was a good honorable plan. But the Lord has been showing me that I've allowed a spirit of independence to settle in my life, and all of my working and toil is worthless, because I'm not being dependent on Him. I can't even begin to describe the feeling of having a security blanket like independence ripped away from you. It's painful, but man is it freeing!

In that freedom, the Lord has began to give me glimpses of seeing my heart and passions start to play out. Friday I had the opportunity to speak with a mother who had decided to give her baby up for adoption. What  a hard choice to make,  but for this mother, it was the choice to put her child's needs before her own. What a beautiful doorway to speak into her life about the love of God, and His choice to send His son for us. It's moments like this that make giving up my life back home worth it.

God sees it when we give up everything for Him. It doesn't go unnoticed, and in that surrender, He is there not only to comfort and guide us, but to fill us to overflowing with His love. It's worth the hard times, the ripping away of security blankets, and missing out on life back home. It's worth it because Jesus gave His life for me, and God gave His son... So really my sacrifice is nothing compared to that.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

You are His

I know that I've been quiet on here for a while. Part of that just a lack of taking the time to even look at my blog, and part of that is just not feeling like I have anything to share. In all honesty, the last year has been a really rough one. I haven't always been my best during this season of waiting, and have been rather impatient at times. I'm then forced to face the fact that I haven't been the woman God wants me to be and am failing at shining His light in my life.

Seasons like this are often surrounded by feelings of isolation, depression, and frustration. Couple that with how often I grow impatient in the waiting, it makes for a very rocky journey. But in the middle of it, God reminds me that I am blessed, desired, and His. When I feel the weakness setting in, and my resolve to be better than I once was growing thin, I'm forced to turn once again towards the father. In my turning, He asks me to give up and give in. Give up trying to do it on my own, and give in to His never ending, all consuming grace that He continually offers.

In these moments, I'm also faced with the reality that no matter what, God is going to use me. He's going to call me out of my slump to a greater purpose, then gently push me to reshape my thinking. He helps me off the ground, helps me dust off and clean up from the pity party I'd been throwing. Reminds me I've got a path to follow, a journey to complete, and an adventure to chase!

So I'm wondering what kind of season are you in? Is it a hard season of testing? A time of isolation, or loneliness?  Or are you experiencing a season filled with joy and blessing?? Regardless of where you're at, God wants you to turn to Him. Seek His face, His purpose, and His will. He will gently pull you up, set your feet right, and then use you to be the salt and light of the earth. You are loved, valuable, and desired. And nothing will ever change that!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Glimpses of glory

I know it's been a really long time since I've updated you all on the happenings of this crazy adventure. It's not necessarily that there hasn't been anything going on, it's just that I've been so crazy busy that I haven't had time to write about it. Today, I however do have some time, so I'd like to share something that I've been observing lately.

 I have to be totally honest and say that last week sucked! Sincerely, it was an incredibly difficult week!! I had a sinus infection, it was in the 90's with 700% humidity, and I had to move out of my house into a camper. (the last one is a totally different story that perhaps one day I'll share) I found out on Wednesday that  a dear friend of mine in South Africa passed away after a 2 month battle with what was thought to be liver cancer. So basically I was being attacked on all sides.

I know that from an outsiders perspective, this all looks rather dismal, and that I have every right to be upset, but God has shown me something completely different. Within all of the chaos, God showed up and showed off! He provided financially for my visit to the clinic (because being uninsured means having to pay out of pocket for any sort of medical attention), He provided physically by blessing a friend of mine with a camper that she and her husband have so graciously allowed me to stay in until I can find a more permanent place. He's also been healing my body (sinus infections are awful, and they're even worse when it's 90+ degrees out).

In all of this, it's been the way God has provided spiritually for me that has blown me away the most. I've become kind of worn out with all that is going on, and it's in the times I'm beginning feel myself wear thin that I find myself wondering if I'm doing what I'm supposed to. If living my life completely devoted to following Jesus is even going to make the slightest difference.

 Let's be honest for a minute, it can be really easy to give a worldly answer when a problem comes up. It's harder to trust in God's promises when life throws us a curve ball to the face.

Over the last couple of days, I've seen small glimpses of the fruits of my labor in other people's lives. I've seen how lives are being transformed in even the smallest ways. Lives of people that I've been praying for, interceding for, and loving on for a long time. People that, at times, it seemed would never change. I get to see two of my youth group kids (well one is technically an adult) get baptized next week, and the anticipation of it brings tears of joy to my eyes. I hear the relief and confidence in my sisters voice when she tells me that God is providing, and will continue to provide for her family. These moments, give me hope. They reassure me that by simply living out the life I've been called to will make a difference.

So in the midst of the hardship, God shows up and shows off. He will always give us small glimpses of His glory to keep us going when it feels like giving up would be the easiest option. He will also show us that when we stay the course, there will be fruit! Even though we don't always get to see it come to completion, the small glimpses of transformation in others' lives makes it worth continuing on!

So, no matter what you're facing today, remember that how we live out the lives we've been called to can impact another's view on Christ. Pray for opportunities to love on someone and show them Christ in the process. And stay the course! There is a great reward at the end, and maybe you'll get to see small glimpses of God's glory along the way!

John 16:33 "In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD!"

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Big and the Small

            I think life is back to a normal pace now. Which quite honestly, I'm so grateful for! Christmas was great, the Lord showed me over and over again how much He has blessed me with great friends and family. But it was busy... I was constantly on the go, and it definitely had an effect on me. On New Years day, I started getting sick, only to be left over the last almost two and a half weeks fighting a nasty cold. Of course, I have a hard time slowing down, and just taking time to rest, and this has only prolonged my sickness.

          Among the many things I've had going on, we started up with youth group again last weekend. I knew I would have to prepare a lesson, so I literally opened my Bible and started flipping the pages.That's when I came across Exodus, and figured "why not". It was in this moment, I came across  this scripture...

' The Israelites did as they were told; some gathered much, some little. And when they measured it by the omer, the one who gathered much did not have too much, and the one who gathered little did not have too little. Everyone had gathered just as much as they needed'. - Exodus 16:17-18

     There it is, the Isrealites were in the desert and they were griping because there wasn't any food. So, God promises to send Quail in the evening and Manna in the morning. I thought "perfect, we'll talk about God's perfect provision for every little and big thing in our lives". And that's exactly what we talked about. How God provides just what we need, when we need it, and that sometimes, we tend to fall into the trap of greed and complain because we don't think we have enough.

     Well, by Tuesday, I was still really sick, and on top of a nasty cold, my ears were plugged and sore. So, I decided it might be time to break down and go see a doctor. This always poses a problem for me, because I don't have insurance right now, and I just simply hate going to the doctor. But knowing that I wasn't getting better, I decided to listen to wisdom and go. Sure enough, I had an ear infection, which has required an antibiotic, and a steroid. But the thing that was getting to me, was the fact that I was going to have an extra bill to pay this month. I kept reminding myself that God will provide, and one way or another He was going to take care of me.

    As I was waiting in line at the pharmacy, I got a text message from a friend saying that they were going to help me cover the cost of the visit.... Wow, I was, and still am floored! God came through, and even sooner than I had thought. I was reminded, that just two days earlier, I had shared with the youth group about how God always provides perfectly. There is always just enough of what I need, exactly when I need it. If you read all of Exodus chapter 16, you'll see that God did provide for the Isrealites, even though they complained against Him, and didn't fully trust Him, He still provided everyday.

     It's the same with us. I know there are days when I complain that I don't have what I think I need, or I just don't have enough of something, but God is so patient and loving with me, and still gives me exactly what I need, when I need it. In the gospels, Jesus talks about this in several different ways. I love how the author of Luke puts it.

' Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.  Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.' - Luke 12:6-7

     This isn't the typical "don't worry God provides" passage, but the words of Jesus are so true. We are worth more than anything else on this earth to God. And He knows our every need.( Let me clarify, I'm not talking about the things we think we need, but our actual needs.) God in all His goodness, provides for us every day the things we need, and He provides for us when we have unforeseen things come into our lives, and He provides when He calls us into something that seems impossible.

   That's how important we are to Him, and that's just how much He loves us! So whatever you have right now that seems way too big, or maybe you're scared that your need will go unmet, give it to God. He knows exactly what and how much you need, and when we listen to Him and seek His wisdom, He always comes through!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

A beautiful heart


       Something awesome has happened in my nephew and I's relationship. He now loves me! I know this may sound a little silly, but for the first three and a half years of his life, Jayden Roy wanted nothing to do with me. Sure, he was ok if I hugged and loved on him but that had it's limits. In fact, he would prefer pretty much any other adult to me. While this was a blow to my ego, I coped and relished in the love of my niece Skyler.

       But, within the last month or two, it has happened. Jayden loves me! In fact, he's been asking to come and stay the night with me. So after weeks of asking (literally he asked his mom every day for about three weeks), Jayden and I had our first ever sleep over this last Wednesday. While it was a little bit challenging for me, it also allowed me to get a view into the precious heart of my nephew.

     That evening when I got to my sister's house, I had brought along some princess dress up clothes for Skyler. She was so excited to try them on, and this led to an impromptu fashion show in the living room. She tried on dress after dress and danced around the living room in them. She was the picture of little girl bliss in the simple frocks. But it was Jayden that made me beam. With every new dress, Jayden would exclaim "Skyler you are beautiful", before we left, he looked at me and said "Thank you Aunt Nichie for bringing these dresses for Skyler". Wow at three and half years old, Jayden already recognizes true beauty, the beauty that comes from inside and shows outwardly through a face filled with joy. Needless to say, my heart melted.

    At bedtime, after we had prayed, Jayden turned to me and said again "Thank you Aunt Nichie for bringing Skyler those dresses, she loves them, and she is so beautiful." And once again, I turned into  a melty mess. As if this were enough of how sweet this little guy is... On Thursday morning, I had slept very little, and was desperately trying to get things ready for our family gathering that afternoon (so basically I was not in the best of moods and poor Jayden was taking the brunt of it) . I finally got time to take a quick shower, and afterward was dressed in sweats and a tshirt blow drying my hair. Jayden came to the bathroom, looked at me and exclaimed "Aunt Nichie you are beautiful"... Wow talk about feeling great! I had not been so gentle with this little man and yet he still said something so sweet.

It was at this moment that I realized something about Jayden... His sweet and loving spirit has not yet been corrupted by the world's view of beauty. And beyond that, he hasn't known the hurt or humiliation of rejection of his words. He hasn't built up walls, and he doesn't hold back.

My nephew's heart is so precious, and unadulterated, and I am fervently praying that it stays this way. Somewhere along the line men, and let's face it, women lose the ability to recognize the good, and the beauty in each other. And if we don't lose the ability to see it, we come to a place where we won't say it. Or if we do say anything about it, it comes across in either a mean spirited, or joking manner. But the fact is that we all posses not only a beauty of our own, but a beauty that we desire to be recognized. I pray that this ability to see true beauty doesn't go away as Jayden ages. I pray that little heart is protected, and this is something he can carry into adulthood.

There is so much more that I could say about this, and in all honesty, I wanted to brag on my handsome little man. But know this dear friend, you are beautiful. ( If you are a man, then you my friend are handsome), And even when no one else recognizes or acknowledges it, know that God delights in you greatly. I pray that your heart will begin to be restored, and that the Lord will show you how incredibly precious you are to Him.