Quite literally within the past few weeks, I have come to this page and contemplated writing something. Then I lose all motivation, and close it again. It's not that God hasn't been working, and that I'm not learning, I think it's more that I don't know how to articulate it. That and I get easily distracted... On top of all of this, I've been in a weird slump. I'm tired, kind of moody, and becoming more and more introverted as the days pass, all while fighting feelings of isolation and loneliness.
The more and more I try to focus, it's like every little thing will pop up and grab my attention. Seriously, I have not paid any attention to offering envelopes at church until today. Did you know that they are the kind you have to lick?!? It makes you feel so silly, "Oh hey I'm going to put my money in here for God, and now, look awesome while I lick this envelope." There really is no dignified way to close those things, unless of course you carry a wet sponge around with you just in case someone has an "envelope emergency".
(This is what happened at church today to me... Ya know time to worship God and instead I have a running commentary on Offering envelopes inside my head... Eesh!)
We all experience seasons of crazy in our lives. Maybe for some of us, it's a season of feeling like you're going crazy! I'm finding that in this season, the more I allow myself to be distracted by things of this world, the easier it is for me to get discouraged. God is my salvation, and He is my hope, where else do I need to look for answers?Where else should I go when I feel like I'm losing my mind? Because of this, I wanted to share some of the things that are currently helping, and have definitely helped in the past.
1. Stay in the Word!
I harp on this a lot, but it's so important. The Bible is God breathed, it is absolute truth, and gives life.
The stories or men and women of God are encouraging, challenging, and beautiful.
2. What are you listening to?
Ok seriously, what the heck is on the radio these days? Some of the music being produced and released can't even be considered music. The lyrics are horrible! And yet we are filling our heads and hearts with it.... By only listening to christian music (which by the way has a lot of variety of genres now! Thank you Lord it's not all the Gathers any more ;) ) I find myself encouraged, happier, and less likely to focus on things of the world.
3. Chill out sister!!
I tend to keep busy, and when I don't let myself rest, that's when I become unbearable to live with (maybe not necessarily for others, but definitely for myself!) Also this refers to the fact that I have to constantly remind myself that This is just a season of life. It's not forever, and it will pass with time!
4. Lean in real close!!
The Lord has a reason and purpose for this time! I know it and believe it, so during seasons that seem so uncertain, I know I personally need to continue to lean into God. Keep my eyes open for opportunities to learn and grow, allow myself to be humbled, even when it's a little painful! David said it beautifully in Psalm 25:15
"My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only He will release my feet from the snare."
Only God can take us safely from one season to the next, and when we rely on Him and Him alone to be our direction, strength, and peace in times of crazy, we are safe, and will come out better than when we went in!
It also helps if you just continue to remind yourself that this life is One Big Crazy Adventure, and this is just a part of it!!